Saturday, October 17, 2009

Installing Dreamweaver CS3..

Installing dreamweaver takes so long. Plus the set up slows the computer down. I have a P4 with 2.4 Gig Processor but it's still taking up all the resources during the set up.

Runs fine after the install though.

Been a month since I've really used it. Was missing the coding. :)

What's Up with da WampServer site?

It's down or something. I can't get any access to it. Now I'll have to install a previous version of it that I have backed up!

Y!TunnelPro Forum Guidelines

I visit Y!Tunnel Pro's forum, just out of habit, not that there's anything important going on other than a little chit chat from the same old regular forum folk that generally frequent there.

Every now and then their Forum Guidelines are bumped / highlighted again in the announcements section just to make sure that people are following the guidelines properly and nothing out of the ordinary happens there.

Sometimes I get excited seeing the announcements section highlighted thinking there might be a new build or at least another hope of something new happening on the forum. But alas, it's the bumped up forum guidelines post.

So I thought it might be a good thing to mention it on my blog and even provide you guys (since there's such a need to keep it highlighted and be read again and again by the people/forum members before they can post) with a link to the page with the guidelines so that you're sure to read and follow the rules whenever you're on the Y!TunnelPro forums.

Y!Tunnel Pro Forum Guidelines.

Anyway, it's been great knowing and using this program for a while. But what can you do, Yahoo! Chat's pretty much dead either way, with or without Y!Tunnel Pro.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Small review of RoadsOut.Com's Hits

I'd like display a line graph borrowed from Alexa Rating of the total number of hits as compared to the total number of visits all around the world on other websites for RoadsOut.Com.

This graph shows you that RoadsOut.Com actually was getting some good hits by the middle and end of the year 2008. It continued that pattern in the start of 2009 after which it simply lost those number of hits.

That was because I failed to constantly update the site with new topics. Plus I ran into a couple of design issues and was spending more time on that.

Later everything just collapsed because my hosting account expired on Godaddy.Com.

But the good thing to extract from all this is, if we can do it once, we can do it again. That's what we're going to do.

RoadsOut.Com is here to stay. And do well in good time. :)

Aisha - Outlandish (love this song)

Outlandish is a nice Band. Their latest album hasn't been as successful as their last one. Anyway, this number is one of my favourites. :)

Watch and Enjoy!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Files from "YTK Pro Spiral Repository".

I'm sorry the site is down. You can download the files from here for now.

Note to "Yahoo! Messenger Team".


Hope you're fine. Your Chat Rooms suck. Please close them down to save further humiliation. Thank you.

FaceBook took over.