Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'm seriously missing using Joomla

Joomla is such a wonderful little piece of software. In fact, it's not little even. It's huge. I love using it. You just have so much control over your posts and how you can display them. It's a complete content management system.

I'm pushing towards making a new layout for RoadsOut.Com with all the backed up former posts plus the latest on and uploading it sometime in march.

Lets see how that goes.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ask.Com Search Bar is on to you!

I don't care how good or bad Ask.Com search is. But I'm seriously being annoyed by it with being in almost any free software bundle that you'd be getting your hands on. Most people don't even realise it when they're downloading free software that they install search in their browser/computer with them.

You just have to be careful while installing any software if it's not installing ask search with it into your browser. It's seriously annoying.

These type of cheap tricks don't work on people with enough intelligence to simply 'uncheck' the installation option for whenever they're installing something!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Improved Alexa Rating for RoadsOut.Com

Woohoo! RoadsOut.Com is showing some promise after the 'great black out' a few months ago when the site was gone for a whole month without any updates.

I'm pretty delighted to see the current trends of improvements on user based visits on the site. If this keeps up I'll be obliged to get a decent host again for the site and upload the proper Joomla Base that I have worked out for it.

I'll be sure to add some new treats on the site if it becomes are reality.

Lets see, time will tell.

Monday, December 14, 2009

IGN Daily fix answer: How far is Pandora from Earth in Avatar?

Pandora, a moon with an Earthlike environment that orbits a gas-giant planet called Polyphemis in the Alpha Centauri-A star system. At 4.4 light years away, Alpha Centauri is our nearest stellar neighbor, and when it is discovered that Pandora is rich in a rare-earth mineral called Unobtainium, the race is on to mine the new world's resources.

Again, 4.4 Light Years away from Earth.

Have fun.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Changing domain names really isn't a good idea for SEO

If you have a domain name that you've been running for a year or two and suddenly feel the urge to change the name because it's cooler or for any other reason whatsoever then you should know it's not a good SEO move.

All links urls have a google page rank and alexa rating history. The more people explore and 'hit' those urls / pages is the more it's going to look better on your Page Rank and Alexa rating score. Meaning it's just going well for you since more and more people keep finding your page.

I'd like to talk about an example a website I follow every now and then. It's Recently it's alexa rating has really declined to minimal levels. It should only be going up since they have a decent level of visitors on their forums.

I'll show the recent graph,

They got a new domain for their forums it seems and redirected old domain name, '' to This has made a huge decline in their normal hits for the real website ''. So it's going off the search engine charts as it seems while the other bogus domain name is gaining air.

It's like taking the life out of domain name. 99% of their traffic was linked to through their forum.

Using two or more domain names isn't a bad idea. Proper way of using them is to redirect new domain names to the old and the parent domain name so that it stays up. Which is the point of SEO.

Have fun. :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Today is my Birthday

Happy Birthday to me. :)

I love the fact that facebook reminds everybody you know of your birthday a few day earlier so there's no chance they'd forget about it. It's fun to not miss anyone when they wish you for your birthday. :P

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What prompts you to watch a movie?

The movie trailer, theme and story. I wouldn't watch a movie just because everyone else likes it and/or is talking about it. I might read a review on that movie and would see for myself if it is worth watching for me.

Because frankly some movie topics are awfully boring and just are not worth looking into.

Having said that, what I might think is boring to me might be interesting for somebody else!

My response to a topic on

Are dreams for real?

Dreams are just dreams.

Some people say that all dreams have meanings. Well, I say, even if they have a meaning then what good is that to us? Because we don't know how to interpret a dream and know what it means.

Besides it's not like something happening to us in real. Even if it was, it passes and we get back to the real world as we know it. It's not likethe dream would change what our lives are like at the moment.

If they do, then that's great!

My response to a topic on

What would you do if you found money on the street?

I would step on the money first and look around to see if someone is looking. Then I'll pick it up.

That's the most reasonable thing to do. Because the personal who might have lost it would have been long gone. Asking anyone else around just wouldn't be of any use.

Having said that, me and my friend lost our carry bag once in Dubai on a bench. It had our money and passports. We remembered a little while later and went running back to the bench.

There were too men sitting there with the bag looking for the person who lost their bag. We showed them some proof that it in reality was out bag and thanked them.

But that was a bag, not plain old money. So there's a difference.

My response on on a similar topic

I hate public transport

I know where you're coming from buddy. The whole waiting thing simply isn't my thing either. I've had to use public transports a lot so I know how it feels like. Sometimes you have to get to a place in a hurry and public transport just isn't the thing you'd need at that point.

It's best to have you own means on transport. But you have to make the best of what you have if there's not personal mode of transport.

At least you the public transport to get to places. What if there was no transport at all. What would you do then?

My response to that topic on

Is paid2youtube a scam?

There are certainly some concerns about it from many people. No one has claimed to have gotten paid by the website yet. It's still a pretty new website so you can't really say if it is legit or not.

I suppose the best way to find out is to try for yourself and see if it comes up with the goods.

My response on a topic on

Long or short discussions?

Longer lines are always hard to read. They are against good writing techniques too. Any literature long or short should be divided into lines of adequate lengths and paragraphs.

Each paragraph should have one idea and the writer should try to convey that part of his message in that paragraph only before moving on the the next idea and paragraph. That way it's interesting and easier for the reader to keep in the loop with the story/ discussion.

I write in that particular fashion and often find it more feasible than the other.

My response for that topic on