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If you want to learn Spanish you can contact me at 03004509332 or "jaunty.mellifluous@gmail.com". I provide Spanish classes online via zoom. I can help you learn Spanish for online jobs, Interview for Spain or other countries. You can also get a very good job if you are good in Spanish in international companies.
You can start from scratch and then go from basic level to advanced level in Spanish classes.
Friday, September 9, 2022
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Monday, September 5, 2022
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Friday, September 2, 2022
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Monday, August 29, 2022
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Friday, August 26, 2022
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Monday, August 22, 2022
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
The best swimming technique! ❤️😂😂
This woman posts the best swimming technique and I loved it!
The best swimming technique! ❤️😂😂
— Figen (@TheFigen) August 2, 2022
Monday, August 1, 2022
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Is College Aftermath - legit or not?
Is College Aftermath – legit or not?
College Aftermath is a website that is offering to pay people for writing various types of articles for them. They are often recruiting people from linkedin or other social media platforms.
At the first glance the business looks legit as they have a very organized method of doing this. If the content writers agree to work for them they will send them a contract to write about 40K words per month for them for a salary of $150.
Low pay for more work!
Many people have left negative reviews about the company, with some saying the company is a scam. It seems that this website could be a scam, as there are many negative reviews about it online. It is best to research further and be cautious if you are considering working for them.
The real problems start with the approval of articles
I thought to myself that yes they are paying a very low amount but they have a policy where they can actually pay your via upwork or fiverr. So I thought to myself this will help boost my upwork profile so I can just write the articles for them. Now they require various articles of about 800 to 1000 words and check them using quetext.com which is a website that checks for plagiarism.
I submitted various articles for them which I would say were really good. I checked them using QueText as well and submitted them with under 4% plagiarism. In some cases the plagiarism was even 0%. They take 2 to 3 days to review an article and submitted a report on a badly made google excel sheet that you can’t even filter out. This sheet has all the writers along with their reviews and the titles they have written. So there is no customized report for one writer.
I had to filter out my articles after copying that sheet onto an excel sheet on my PC. Correct the formatting on the excel sheet first then filter out my own articles and their stats. Most reviews would come back that articles has 13% plagiarism or 22% plagiarism and needs to be below 12%. When I am already submitting articles with 4% plagiarism.
If I resubmit the article it would come back as 0% plagiarism. I am not the only one with this problem
I started to see that there were other writers on that excel sheet with similar issues and some even worse. Some had written really good articles and their plagiarism came back as 50%. The company’s response is that they thoroughly check the articles.
Only get paid for approved articles
So when they mention at first that you have to write 40K words they don’t really mention that the articles need to be approved. But I realized after writing 8 or so articles that they are going to take too long to approve them and then after 30 days add another target onto you for next month. Ask you to complete both the targets so that you can your money. Why? Because they send you a contract that says you are on a probation of some kind for 3 months.
Even if they are to pay you for one month I am guessing you will end up writing 90K words for them after all the article revisions and late approval system to get your 40K words approved.
Funny reviews! Seem to be done by non professionals
In some of the articles I would get funny comments like remove this heading, do not use I, he or she. First person should not be used. So I am guessing the people who are reviewing these articles and giving us these weird comments are not professionals.
I removed the heading, did not use I, he or she but first person and used we as they asked me to do. The next review would come back saying that this article is not like the others. It has a different style. So now I was confused.
When you apply for the job they will ask you to write a sample article for them and tell you that you will get paid for this. Once that article is approved at first they say okay we will not be able to pay you for this now but will add this into the 40K target for you so that you can complete the rest of the words and then get paid!
Response to general complaints
They use whatsapp groups to communicate with all the writers. They have divided the groups country wise. The group admins hardly ever reply to complains like the ones I have mentioned above. Promise that they will pay you when you complete your target. When I complained that the review system is taking so long they said they are hiring more people to review. After 3 or 4 days I start getting all my articles rejected for the above reasons I posted.
Then later the same article that was rejected is approved after I start complaining that I wrote the whole thing properly and there were no edits required. These approved articles have 0% plagiarism.
I am not the only one with this problem
No one in my whatsapp group was paid even once
Now the group that they had placed me in was for new comers. So everybody kept on pouring in the articles as you have to notify the admins that you submitted another article using their google forms system. I suppose this is a technique to make you write more.
But the point is no one in my group was ever paid not even once. Because everybody was new and due to the low approval rate some people would just leave and others would stop writing article for them. So basically they are getting most of the articles for free like that and only might pay a few just to keep everybody happy.
Overall I think they are not worth it and its better to spend your time somewhere better . If you want to work for them then be prepared to write a lot more than they are asking and not get paid most of the time.
I think that this company is not worth working for. They make you write a lot more than they are asking, and you don’t get paid most of the time. Additionally, the review system is really bad.
How to kill boredom
There are several ways to kill boredom and one of the best ways is to first start doing something instead of thinking about what to do. That may seem like a simplistic way of looking at things but it really is the best way to kill boredom. If you start thinking about what to do, chances are good that you will come up with nothing or something that is not worth doing. However, if you start doing something, even if it is not particularly interesting, you will at least be.
Gaming is one of the things you could do
A lot of people think about video games as a good way to kill boredom. Although they can be, it is not the only way that you can game. There are many other types of games that can help relieve boredom. For example, you could play card games, board games, or even online games. You could also try something new like a video game if you have never played one before.
Hang out with friends
We always need to make new friends. At least some people in your social circle who are good and have the ability to listen to you so that you can talk to them when you can. If you don’t have anyone to talk to, you can feel very bored. So one of the best things you can do when you’re bored is to reach out to your friends and see if they want to hang out.
Do something physical
Sometimes the best way to kill boredom is to get up and do something physical. Go for a walk, run, or bike ride. If you’re feeling really adventurous, you could even try something like rock climbing. Doing something physical can also help you clear your head and give you a break from thinking about whatever it is that is causing your boredom.
Read a book
Books used to be one of the best activities but people are slowly forgetting about reading books. Videos and streaming have taken over. Even videos and streaming get boring after a while. But book reading is an all time favorite. The way you can encapsulate your self in a new world with your imagination simply has no other alternative.
Start a project
Another great way to kill boredom is to start a project. It could be something as simple as starting a garden or organizing your closet. Or you could try your hand at something more creative like painting or learning a new instrument. These are just a few ideas but the possibilities are endless. The important thing is to get started.
Monday, June 20, 2022
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Monday, June 6, 2022
What really went wrong for the New York Rangers in Game 3
Friday, May 27, 2022
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Chauffeur Vtc à Bordeaux
Chauffeur Vtc à Bordeaux

formation vtc bordeaux Pour votre prochain trajet choisissez une berline ou un van selon vos envies, objectifs et budget. Je me nomme Ahmed. Je suis votre conducteur personnel à Bordeaux. J' ai fondé ma société centrale vtc car j' adore Bordeaux et sa région. Mettre ma passion à votre disposition fut l'une des plus belles choses qui me soit arrivée. Je vais être votre chauffeur de maitre. Je vais être votre guide touristique. Je serai votre oreille attentive. Ou je serai votre tout discret chauffeur. J' ai une grande expérience des courses de standing en tant que conducteur de grande remise, travail que j' exerç ais avant que n' existe Centrale Vtc, société que j' ai ouverte afin de pouvoir vous offrir mes facultés librement, dans le respect que vous méritez.
Le chauffeur Vtc est soumis à une législation spécifique. Il n' est pas chauffeur de taxi. Il y a environ 7500 conducteurs de Vtc en France. La réservation préalable de la voiture est nécessaire et les frais de la course connu au préalable. Les Vtc n' ont ainsi aucun droit à la maraude. Toutefois, le décret qui requière aux Vtc un 15 mn minimum entre la réservation et la le départ est suspendu à partir de maintenant par le Conseil d'état.
Un chauffeur de véhicule de tourisme est une personne éléguante et aimable, qui fait preuve d'une présentation irréprochable et d'une très grande retenue tout en ayant le sens des services.
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Il est capable d'offir le renseignement juste au bon moment car il est au courant des lieux à la mode, des incontournables à voir et des anecdotes qui rendent une excursion privée mémorable. A côté des cotés de temps en temps plein de charme de ce métier, il y a des obligations non négligeables, à commencer par des horaires de travail variables et une énorme disponibilité exigée des chauffeurs de Vtc. planning en ligne
La carte pro décrit la même chose que pour la licence des chauffeurs de taxi. Le conducteur a le devoir d'être capable de la présenter à tous ses passagers. Pour obtenir sa carte pro, il faut suivre un cours de 3 mois à minima ou profiter d'une expérience d'au moins une année comme conducteur pro de transport personnelles. sex toys De surcroit, il est indispensable d'avoir une attestation de capacité physique, celle-la étant fournie par le préfet du département dans lequel le chauffeur travaille. Finalement, un dernier critère est nécessaire : posséder un casier judiciaire national automatisé vierge. iron precision casting china
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