Sunday, February 14, 2010

What to do in free time?

For all those busy people out there who always dream about getting some free time for themselves but not really knowing what to do once they get it. These are a few simple tips they could follow to get something worthwhile out of their time.

Free time is about relaxing your mind and refreshing yourself for more work ahead. So it shouldn't be used in worrying about how to plan some events or doing something that would add more stress to your life.

  • Taking a vacation is good idea. Get away from all the work and relax for a while in an out of town location with family or friend(s) forgetting all the worries in your life.
  • Get in touch with friends and relatives. Calling on people whom we've missed in a while and never really got the time to talk to in our usual days is a good thing too. 
  • Assess your life and what you've been doing. Thinking about where you're going and what needs to be achieved. Re-evaluate yourself. 
  • Get in touch with a hobby that's been neglected for a while. Re-discover your previous passions. 
  • Get a lot of sleep. If that's what you really want. 
  • Play an outdoor game like volleyball, football, basketball or cricket etc. 
All in all, free time is the time that you should utilize in having fun. Just find whatever entertains you and go on to do it. That's all. 

Monday, February 8, 2010

vloggers like SHAYTARDS?

Some people simply vlog about anything and everything about their lives! And it works for them. Like SHAYTARDS, they're like the super popular family on their youtube channel.

The kids are cute and adorable. But that's not that point. Yea sure they have funny videos and all. But this isn't like a TV Serial or something. They're like vlogging like it's a TV Channel and people wait for new episodes every week!

But the point is if you can get so popular just by uploading anything you're doing and making it seem like fun then everybody should be popular just not them, no?

Am I makin' a point here? lol

Guess not!

Just messing around peeps, SHAYTARDS are cool.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I took two days off from work

First week at work is pretty relaxing so I thought I would just take two consecutive leaves from the bank just to relax a bit and do nothing. It worked. I'm so relaxed and rejuvenated for the whole month to come now.

We get 45 leaves per year and I didn't even use half of them last year. So I suppose this certainly was called for.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do you like to imagine yourself in same situation when listening to music?

I do, sometimes. Songs are like that. The ones you really like take you to another place where you are in that song or a place in your imagination that relates to that song. I like to think of that as heaven. It's a type of heaven. After all, heaven is a place where you are happy with no worries.

Music has that tendency to make you forget your worries and dive into that huge dream world where every wish comes true and all you want simply happens the way you would like.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby are you down down down down down ..

The song "Down" originally sang by Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne. This Lisa Scinta chick on youtube has done wonders. Her voice has the magic.

Latest growth for RoadsOut.Com has been good.

Site is showing constant growth according to meters put forward by Alexa Rating. Still needs improvement.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Is honesty really the best policy?

I like to believe so. But the phrase does prove to be wrong in certain situations. Situations when the other person really doesn't need to know the truth and might not even like it. Which in turn results in negative behaviour towards us from them.

Sometimes I have to lie just to make someone feel better. There's no other way around it other than hurting them by telling them the truth. So I suppose not being honest in those situations is alright.

Still I prefer to be honest as much as I can be whenever the situation calls upon itself.